Sunday, February 23, 2014

Winter Break Goodies!

Hello everyone!  I hope that all of you have had a safe and exciting winter break.  I know that I did!  I spent most of it in Atlanta, Georgia where it was sunny and 70 degrees outside!  It was a very nice break from the cold, snowy Detroit weather.  I promised all of the kids in class that I would post photos from break to share, so I will include some of them here.  While in Atlanta, I was lucky enough to visit the Georgia Aquarium and Martin Luther King Jr.'s childhood home, church, and grave.  As a history fan, it was very exciting and educational!  Here are just a few photos from the trip!

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Sheets,

    Messiah was excited to see your pictures from Georgia. He to visited Dr. Martin Luther King's home. However, he did not remember. As we were looking at your photos I asked if he remembered when we were there. He did not. I had to get out our pictures. Thanks for Sharing.

    Messiah's Mom....
