Friday, September 19, 2014

We've only just begun...

Hello parents and students!  I wanted to take some time out of a busy Friday evening (lots of preparing for next week already) to share some pictures that we've taken in class since the beginning of the year.  These are just a few of what I have, but I like to share when I can to give parents a glimpse into our little world.  There are 25 students in our class and I apologize that not all are featured in the first group photo, but I promise, there will be more to come!

 We are adorable when we smile!

 And we never forget to act silly!

 We made first week Jitter Juice with all of the DAAS 2nd graders

 We are also working together in teams to accomplish goals!

We are getting better at it by the day!

Next week we start our Success For All reading program and most students will be transitioning to other teachers for the program.  On Monday we will spend most of the time getting to know each other and different classroom procedures with different teachers.  It's definitely going to be a fun and exciting school year!